
Organic Buckwheat Flour | GB Alpine | 1 kg


Qty : 1 kg 

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Buckwheat is a highly nutritious whole grain that many people consider to be a superfood. Among its health benefits, buckwheat improves heart health, promote weight loss, and help manage diabetes.



Top 5 health benefits of buckwheat

1. It’s gluten-free

Buckwheat is naturally gluten-free, making it suitable for those with coeliac disease. However, if avoiding gluten is important for you, make sure you check labels when purchasing buckwheat products. This is because some commercial products such as soba noodles may be made using buckwheat combined with wheat and therefore will not be gluten-free.

2. Rich in antioxidants

Buckwheat has an enviable antioxidant profile, better than that of many common cereal grains like oats or wheat. As well as containing plant compounds like rutin, it is one of the richest food sources of d-chiro inositol.

3. May be beneficial for blood sugar management

Buckwheat supplies fibre, and benefits from a low-to-medium glycaemic index. This means it has a moderate effect on blood sugar levels and may even lower blood sugar levels. Studies suggest this effect may be thanks to soluble carbohydrate in buckwheat that makes cells more responsive to the hormone insulin and may delay the digestion of sugar.

4. Supports a healthy heart

Buckwheat is rich in heart-healthy nutrients, including magnesium and fibre. In addition, it is a good source of plant compounds called rutin and quercetin, which have protective antioxidant properties.
Buckwheat may also improve cholesterol balance; animal studies suggest this is due to a protein in the seed that binds with cholesterol, inhibiting its absorption to the blood.

5. Source of fibre

Buckwheat is rich in fibre, especially insoluble fibre and a type known as resistant starch, both of which are of particular benefit to gut health. This is because the beneficial bacteria that live in the gut use these fibres as a source of fuel, helping them increase in number and simultaneously produce by-products that are valuable for gut health.

Is buckwheat safe for everyone?

Buckwheat is safe for most people, including those with coeliac disease. However, some people may be allergic. This may be relevant for those with an allergy to latex or rice due to a cross-reactivity.


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