Premium Dried Single Layer Apricot | GB Alpine | 250 g


Qty :250 g

Shipping: 3-5 days

GB Alpine Dried apricots are rich in important nutrients, including fiber, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. If consumed in moderation, dried apricots, like most dried fruits, may also help supplement your weight loss efforts.



GB Alpine dried Apricot is naturally low in fat, high in dietary fibers and richest source of antioxidants & minerals. The health benefits of apricot are;


1. Increased Concentration of Nutrients

The vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber present in apricots become significantly concentrated when they are dried.

2. Promoting Eye Health

    Dried apricots are a natural source of Vitamin E and Vitamin A, both of which have numerous amazing health benefits. Apricots contain Beta-Carotene, which the body breaks down into the active form. Growing evidence suggests that Vitamins A and E, and Beta-Carotene may play an important role in preventing or mitigating age-related eye disorders.

3. Improving Bone Mineral Density

    Post-menopausal women and many aging adults in general experience bone density loss. It’s actually one of the most common causes of many bone disorders, such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and other similar disorders.

    Dried apricots contain Boron, a natural mineral with amazing health benefits. Research studies have shown that Boron may play diverse and essential roles in the functional properties of bone health. Evidence displays that Boron may help with overall bone health, bone healing, and bone metabolism.

    Therefore, Boron may have a profound effect on your bone health, and allow for support in the composition, structure, and overall strength of your bones. It may also prevent or mitigate bone disorders such as osteoporosis.

4. Skin Damage and The Effects of Aging

    Vitamins and dietary carotenoids have been known to play a vital role in overall skin health and appearance. In fact, many nutri-cosmetic products contain vital vitamins and natural carotenoids that may promote skin health.


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